The blindfold

It had been 6 months since we had last seen each other. I knew our sexual energies were at the brink, and I wanted to make it special for the both of us. So that day when he came home I lead him to a dimly lit room that I had decorated with rose petals, and before he could say anything I blindfolded him.

“Hey. What’s going on?” he said

“Promise me you won’t open the blindfold till I tell you to?” I asked.

“Promise”, he said smiling his sexy smile.

I kissed him on his lips, his neck, his chest and as I did so I could feel him writhing in pleasure. I lay him on the bed and went further down using my lips, my tongue and my fingers to tease and pleasure him. And his moans just turned me on even more.

I took off his blindfold, and what we had after that wasn’t just sex… It was the most intimate form of love and probably the most pleasure that our bodies had ever experienced.

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